Imported Cloud Data

The Cloud Data Import wizard allows you to import the following data from cloud-based services:

Service Name Imported Data Additional Information
Amazon Alexa

User name
User ID
User email
Recording time
Device type

  • User name is the user's first and last name.
  • User ID is the user's username for Amazon.
  • User email is the email address associated with the user's Amazon account.
  • Recording time is the date and time of recorded voice activity. The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
  • Summary is Alexa's interpretation of the voice activity.
  • Audio is the audio file for the voice activity.
  • Device type is the type of Alexa device that has been synched with Amazon. For example, the Amazon Echo an Echo Dot are both Alexa devices.
Facebook Profile Information
News Feed
Notifications Conversations
Photo Albums (including actual pictures)
Facebook contains photos and message attachments. Depending on the number and the size of attachments, importing may take some time.
Gmail Inbox
Sent Mail
Gmail messages include email attachments. Depending on the number and size of attachments, importing may take some time.
Google Drive User storage files
Files shared with a user
During importing, all files from selected folders are downloaded. This may take a while.
Google Locations Saved Places
Twitter Profile Information
Posted Tweets